Shades of Budo

507, 2017

Aikido: The path to harmony. But harmony as to what?

By |July 5th, 2017|Categories: Shades of Budo|0 Comments

We all, more or less, have in mind the meaning of the word "aikido", which defines the art in which we practice. We could say without this, of course, being the definitive or sole interpretation of the word that it means 'the path or the way of harmonizing with the energy'. Said interpretation potentially involves two aspects: a physical and a spiritual one. Many things [...]

1405, 2017

Caesar’s wife

By |May 14th, 2017|Categories: Shades of Budo|0 Comments

"It is not enough for Caesar's wife to be honest, she must appear to be honest too," Julius Caesar said once, when his wife was accused of infidelity. Starting with this phrase, I would like to reverse it, playing a bit with the words: "It is not enough for Caesar's wife to appear honest, she must be honest too.” Under normal circumstances, such thing should [...]

1404, 2017

Why choosing martial arts?

By |April 14th, 2017|Categories: Shades of Budo|0 Comments

Why would one start practicing martial arts? There can be many reasons, more or less obvious, e.g. the need for physical exercise or weight loss, a low self-esteem, acquiring self-defense skills, the need for socializing, changing one’s lifestyle and even dealing with loneliness. According to a research, following a separation or divorce, 30% of people are looking for a hobby or a training group. However, [...]

803, 2017

The Instructor

By |March 8th, 2017|Categories: Shades of Budo|0 Comments

I will never forget the feeling I experienced during the ‘90s, every time I watched a martial arts film. We have all, at some point in our lives, wondered what it would be like to have an instructor such as those in the martial arts movies, to initiate us in the secrets of the respective art - or even secretly wished to have one! Nowadays, [...]

602, 2017

On knowledge

By |February 6th, 2017|Categories: Shades of Budo|0 Comments

Several colleagues who work as professional martial arts instructors, or to put it differently, who make a living through this profession, will usually be observant of the events transpiring within the field. Participating myself to this procedure for quite some time now – by reading, listening and discussing – I discovered many things that estrange me; things I don’t feel are appropriate to the art [...]

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